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Summer Adult Week - Living the Sacred: Blessing, holiness and incarnation in our everyday lives

  • Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning (map)

"Just to live is a blessing; just to be is holy” (Abraham Heschel).

We are all called, by our baptism, to be priests in our everyday lives.  But what does this mean for our world?  How do we understand our own priesthood within our communities?

In this week, we will consider how the concept of priesthood developed from Jewish and pagan roots, and how it might be re-interpreted in the future. 

We will explore the issues by studying the scriptures. From the Old Testament, we will consider three Jewish concepts – “kavod” (sacred), “mishkan” (tabernacle) and “shekinah” (indwelling). From the New Testament, we will look at the Transfiguration accounts, and at the passages pointing to the ministerial priesthood and our common priesthood, particularly in Romans, 1 Peter and Hebrews.

We will also look at how art, music and literature have reflected historical understandings, and will look at some pertinent excerpts from film and television programmes.

We hope to celebrate our common priesthood in our liturgy, and experience blessing and holiness together.


Chair and organisers: Anne McGough, Vin Allerton & Sr Teresa Brittain
Chaplain: Fr Peter Kinsella


  • Adult: £260

  • Young Adult (Under 25): £230

Deposit: £100


CPW are pleased to offer financial help through the CPW Bursary Fund. These bursaries are kindly funded through member donations.

If cost is a barrier to you or a family member attending a CPW event, then please get in touch via the enquiry form on this page. All enquiries are in strict confidence.



To book online please follow these steps:

  • Once you’ve decided to book and any enquiries have been answered, book online by paying your deposit.

  • When you pay your deposit you will fill out the booking form.

  • To pay the deposit scroll to the bottom of this page and click ‘Add to Cart’ for the Adult Deposit(s) (add quantity to correspond to number of adults in your booking).

  • Add Child Deposit(s) to cart (add quantity to correspond to number of 2-17 year olds in your booking), if applicable.

  • Go to cart (upper right hand corner or page), fill out the booking form and pay for your deposits.

  • Check your email for an email confirming your booking.

Pay your deposit and secure your place

CPW Summer Hyning +18 Week - Adult Deposit

About the venue:

The tranquil Monastery of Our Lady of Hyning with its picturesque setting, simple chapel and welcoming Bernadine Cistercian nuns is a favourite venue for CPW. It is located in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in North Lancashire, near Carnforth. Accommodation is in single and twin-bedded rooms. Lift and fully accessible access.