For over 70 years CPW have been providing 'holidays that make a difference' - where you’ll find faith, food for thought, fun, and friendships both new and old.
With a mission to revitalise the hearts, minds and spirits of Catholic people today, our events offer engaging talks and activities, as well as prayer and opportunities to reflect, in a community setting.
Each event centres on a theme. The theme allows us to explore aspects of our faith such as Christian family life, living out the gospels, Christian social action, spirituality, and caring for God’s creation. Some events are for families and participants of all ages, with children and teenagers having their own parallel programme. Other events are for over 18s only.
Our prices include food, accommodation, the centre facilities and the educational programme.
What do the letters CPW stand for?
Our main aim is to provide continuing formation in the Catholic faith. However, we warmly welcome non-Catholic people who are interested in, or in sympathy with, the Catholic tradition.
CPW is run by lay People (all un-paid volunteers) for lay people, inspired by the conviction that we are all, ordained or not, God’s holy people.
This is perhaps somewhat misleading, as we now run weekend and long weekend events too. Every event gives us space away from our everyday concerns, and offers a chance, in the company of friendly fellow-seekers, to refresh our understanding of what it means to be a Catholic Christian today.