Young Person's Report: Kintbury

Kintbury 2023 was one of the best CPWs I’ve been on. 

The Week made me feel included with the masses and the liturgies allowing the young adults and children to lead a mass and to make contributions to both. 

Every session felt very organised with every one of them had a purpose. In the teens group, we were told that we would be doing the podcast for our project in the evenings and I liked having the knowledge of what we were going to do to before going to session so I would feel prepared. 

For a few sessions we were mixed with other age groups which allowed us to have a taste of what is coming in the future in adult sessions and meant that the younger children were able to interact with the older kids on the week. It gave us a sense of trust and community; getting to know everyone as they spoke out in sessions, sharing the paint brushes or high-fiving after a rounder. In these sessions, we were able to experience the theme of the week (Lord That I Might See) in different ways for example we were able to listen to Father Mike speak about his experiences in Ethiopia showing us how we could to see through ‘soft eyes’ the people who live there. In one of the sessions, the teens were split in half and went on a photo scavenger hunt which showed us the different ways both groups interpreted the challenge and the different ways we saw it. In the mass outside Father invited us to all look up at the branches of the huge Cedar tree and from our new position we were able to see the work of God in a different way. 

The Helpers were all very welcoming and friendly which helped the kids leave their parents behind and by the end of the week most of the children were holding onto them wishing they didn’t have to let go. Each Helper put lots of energy into the sessions which made us all feel relaxed and confident enough to be ourselves and to give ideas and answers. I felt listened to and respected by all Helpers, whether that was shown by a supportive smile, a little check in, an appreciated thank you or a playful comment.

The evening activities starting at an earlier time allowed parents/carers with young children and the children to enjoy the activity. And each night was worth staying up for from the old fashioned Ceilidh to the hilarious ‘Stars in Their Eyes’.

Overall I really loved my CPW Kintbury 2023 week and the new ideas this given the community. 

(Rosie Huckfield)

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