Searching for a Chair - An Update

As members will know CPW has been without a chair since Anne Dixon stepped down earlier this year.

Following Anne’s resignation the CPW trustees, together with members, began a discernment process looking at the way forward – this has happened in person, on the Walking Week in June, and online in discussion groups at the Prophecy Day in the summer.

During this time Pablo Guidi and Mike Willcox have been keeping the ship afloat, sharing the Chair role, but they want to step back early next year.

Step forward Brid Fitzpatrick, Rebekah O’Keeffe and Barbara Wilson who have offered to help lead CPW for an interim period, envisaged as 18 months/two years, while we work out where we as an organisation want to go next. Gearing back up after Covid means the 2022 programme will be a leaner one than in pre-covid years. As well as helping to make sure this programme happens, the idea is that the trio will lead a process of discernment as widely as possible among the membership.

Based on the See (looking at where we are), Choose (discerning where we would like to be), Act (making it happen) model we hope to find out what members want from CPW, where God is calling us to be, and whether we have the resources within our group to make that happen. Alongside the organised weeks we envisage online meetings and regional discussion days – other suggestions are very welcome.

The hope is that during this process someone will come forward saying they are willing to chair CPW, the team would then work with them for a handover period so that when they step back CPW is in a good place to continue with what have been identified as new and continuing priorities.

Our constitution requires us to have a named Chair so we will hold an Online EGM early in the New Year where we will put forward a resolution setting out this proposal and then you, as members, will be able to vote on it. We ask for your continued prayers for the future of CPW and the outcome of this process:

Lord Jesus Christ,

We come to You to ask for Your help as we discern a way forward for CPW.

We pray that a new servant leader be found, someone who will hear Your call and respond with a yes to Your invitation. 

We pray for someone who can read the sign of the times and lead CPW to continue to work in bringing about Your Kingdom.


Let the Lord speak to you in the silence that follows.


We praise You for You are a wonderous Creator, an awesome God and an abundant Provider.

We thank you that we can trust in Your promise to answer our prayers and in knowing what is best for CPW.

We ask You to send Your Holy Spirit to fill us with Wisdom and to guide us in the task ahead so that all we do will be for Your glory.  Amen


Mother Julian                           Pray for us

St Hilda                                       Pray for us

St Romero                                  Pray for us

St Francis and St Catherine     Pray for us

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