Lenten Prayer and Holy Week 2021
Beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Sunday we will worship together online.
On each day here will be a morning prayer at 8am, as well as our Lenten prayer and poem at 6pm. In addition, CPW members will be leading various additional reflections throughout the week. Below you will find all the details of all sessions, as well as some information about how to take part. Please remember to put these times in your diary.
You can register to attend using the form at the end of this page. If you have a favourite prayer, poem, reading or song you want to share feel free to volunteer for morning prayer using the form at the end of this page.
Please make a palm that you can wave!
Palm Sunday, 28th March
8am - Morning Prayer
2pm - Entrance into Jerusalem - Mary Huckfield will lead us in worship remembering the Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem. This will be a children-friendly celebration, so all are welcome. Please make a palm to wave - something you can really celebrate with! You can make something using green card or paper (check out Pinterest or the picture on the right for palm-making ideas too). We’re excited to see what you make! 🌿
6pm - Evening Prayer
Monday, 29th March
8am - Morning Prayer
6pm - Evening Prayer
Tuesday, 30th March
8am - Morning Prayer
6pm - Evening Prayer
Wednesday, 31st March
8am - Morning Prayer
7.30pm - Evening Prayer and Reconciliation Service
Holy Thursday, 1st April
8am - Morning Prayer
6pm - Evening Prayer
6.30pm - Serving One Another - Following evening prayer, Gabriela Todd will lead a reflection with selected poems, music and readings focusing on the experience of this last year.
7pm-10pm - Watching - From 7pm-10pm we will keep an online space open for watching and serving one another. If you would like to volunteer to hold the space for 30 minutes between 7pm-10pm then please indicate this in the form below.
Good Friday, 2nd April
8am - Morning Prayer
6pm - Evening Prayer
6.30pm - Stations of the Cross - Following evening prayer, Lizzy Allerton will lead Stations of the Cross. If you would you like to offer a reflection on one of the 14 stations then please indicate this in the registration form. It might take the form of a picture, a poem, a piece of prose or a video. It can also be recorded beforehand.
Holy Saturday, 3rd April
8am - Morning Prayer
9am - Following morning prayer, Anne and Rebekah will hold a space to come and wait. There will also be a time to share pictures, words and learnings of how we have marked Lent as an online community. If you would like to share your Lockdown Lenten experience or just listen to the experience of others, then why not join us with a cuppa and a Hot Cross bun after morning prayer at 9am.
6pm - Evening Prayer
Easter Sunday, 4th April
8am - Morning Liturgy - Louise Cook will lead us in worshipping the Risen Lord.
6pm - Resurrection Liturgy - This Evening please bring a symbol of resurrection that is meaningful to you (a physical item or a picture.) Be as creative as you like, it would be lovely to have some hand drawn pictures and more unusual items.
Easter Monday, 5th April
8am - Morning Prayer
6pm - Evening Prayer
Easter Tuesday, 6th April
8am - Morning Prayer
6pm - Evening Prayer
Easter Wednesday, 6th April
8am - Morning Prayer
5.30pm - Evening Prayer
Easter Thursday, 7th April
8am - Morning Prayer
5.30pm - Evening Prayer
Easter Friday, 8th April
8am - Morning Prayer
5.30pm - Evening Prayer
Easter Saturday, 9th April
8am - Morning Prayer
5.30pm - Evening Prayer