Remembering Agnes Milne - Wise, Compassionate, Tireless and a Power to Reckon With
Memories of Agnes
Agnes after being given a coveted Helpers’ Award at Kintbury in 2019.
If ever there was ever someone to help you believe in life after death it would be Agnes. There is no possibility that her beautiful, bright spirit is not still among us. Her presence on a CPW was a guarantee of meaningful conversation, confident challenge and positive action. She was a power to reckon with.
I first became aware of this at a summer CPW when we were put into groups, for the whole week. At each feedback session one group consistently returned, smiling, with a spring in their step. It was Agnes’s group - of course it was!
Agnes and Andrew would often arrive at a CPW with a priest friend they were supporting. It wasn’t always clear who was supposed to be educating who but it always added another dimension to our discussions.
Agnes reading at Kintbury in 2019.
Only four years ago, Agnes’ enthusiasm led her to suggest that we needed a weekend on Cardinal John Henry Newman and, when no-one responded to the challenge, she took it up herself - organising a full programme for a very appreciative group. She appeared to be tireless. She was one of the first members to respond to any calls from the trustees for help from the members and would write to me to suggest initiatives or request more information/brochures/leaflets.
She was, without doubt, one of CPWs most dedicated ambassadors, well known at Adult and Family events as she attended both. She was a dear, wise and compassionate friend and as one young person put it, she was ‘everyone’s grandma’. I find it hard to imagine Agnes ‘resting’ anywhere but I am convinced she will Rise in Glory.
Anne Dixon