Chair's December Blog: Doing Whatever it Takes
“Christmas is all about God doing whatever it takes to be with us”
By Anne Dixon
On the Saturday before Christmas I woke from a dream.
It was one of those loud, busy, colourful ones that seem to want your attention.
In the dream, I was at an event which was joyous, yet deeply moving, and superbly professional. I felt the energy of the people there and was glad to be among them. For a few moments I relaxed and just enjoyed the sights and sounds. It was good to be there.
Sadly, this was not a CPW event, though there were lots of CPW people there. I saw old friends in the crowd, some contemporary and some who have gone before us, sharing their gifts and talents beyond CPW’s usual sphere of influence. I saw three generations of one family dance together without a trace of self-consciousness, just for the love of it.
Nearby, a young woman I have known since she was a child, directed the capture of the moment in visual and audio form. She had the confidence of a woman who is respected for the quality of the work she does, and the warmth of one who is loved for it.
Too good to be true? Yet I sensed that this was not purely altruistic. In their turn the CPW friends I saw were learning and growing in skill and in confidence. Some had become so adept that this was now their primary livelihood. Their abilities were recognised and justly rewarded. This was a Learning Community of mutual respect and acceptance. How had this been achieved, I wondered?
I have been told that that along with the sights and sounds of a dream, the feelings which accompany them are key to their significance. This dream brimmed over with the energy of Hope, Courage and even Challenge - there is lots to do, how shall we go about it? Is this a good time?
Pope Francis recognises this energy in his latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti,
‘…we have a splendid secret that shows us how to dream and to turn our life into a wonderful adventure. No one can face life in isolation… We need a community that supports and helps us, in which we can help one another to keep looking ahead. How important it is to dream together… Dreams…are built together”.[6] Let us dream, then, as a single human family, as fellow travellers sharing the same flesh, as children of the same earth which is our common home, each of us bringing the richness of his or her beliefs and convictions, each of us with his or her own voice, brothers and sisters all.’ FT8
That was the morning.
By 4pm of the same day, along with most of the nation, I was listening to the cancellation of family reunions, the thought of which had kept our hearts strong in the face of the slow reductions of our personal freedoms. The days ahead, so full of promise only a few moments earlier, drained a little of their colour. Longed-for faces, so eagerly anticipated, receded into memory again. It was simply heart-breaking.
St Joseph dreamt for us all, accepted God’s challenge, and gave his protection to Mary and her Child.
How is it possible to go from hope to despair in such a short space of time? The dull hand of separation was once again creeping over us. “No-one can face life in isolation” Pope Francis says, “we need a community that supports us”.
Four days later, the CPW Community gathered for prayer via Zoom, led by the Cook Family. We were invited to consider the person of St Joseph, who dreamt for all of us, who accepted God’s challenge and who gave his protection to Mary and her Child. He knew his gift. He brought it and shared it for the whole human family.
“Christmas is all about God doing whatever it takes to be with us”, said Louise. We may not be with all the loved ones we hoped to see this Christmas, but God is with us, so who are we to despair?
Merry Christmas everyone and may the Christchild fill your hearts and dreams always.
Rejoice, rejoice, take heart in the night,
Though dark the winter and cheerless,
The rising sun shall crown you with light
Be strong and loving and fearless
Love be our song and love our prayer,
And love our endless story,
May God fill every day we share,
And bring us at last into glory.Awake! Awake, and Greet the New Morn - Marty Haugen